Simple Promise™

Secret Burns Up to
87 lbs of Fat

What do these 4 animals
have in common?

It turns out that these four animals have some of the fastest metabolisms
on earth…

And yet, oddly enough…

All four creatures also have extremely high body fat percentages…

Even hummingbirds — who routinely carry 40% of their weight as fat.

So if burning fat and staying skinny is as simple as a fast metabolism…

How could this be?

For Decades This Question
Has Left Scientists and Biologists Across the
Globe Baffled…

But now, breakthrough research from the University of Pennsylvania*** has finally shed light on the answer…

And it’s sending shockwaves through the entire weight loss industry…

By flipping everything we THOUGHT we knew about our metabolism and weight loss on its head…

And unlocking a shocking 30-Second Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret…

Something that finally gets to the REAL reason why you struggle to lose weight, no matter how many diets or workout routines you try…

This same secret is now providing new hope to over 83,229 women and men across the U.S., who just like you, have been waging a relentless battle against stubborn fat that clings to your belly, hips, thighs, and arms like a leech…

Helping those folks to go from this, to this…

  • Dropping up to 87 lbs of stubborn belly fat in the process…
  • And even resetting and restoring their thyroids…
  • As they sleep better, feel calmer, enjoy more energy, and eliminate brain fog… starting in a matter of days.

Hey It’s Ben Dillard* * Here…

And inside this page that doctors,
“hormone experts” and even the makers of drugs like Ozempic would strongly prefer you
not to read…

I’m going to give you the same 30 Second Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret that my wife Kelly* * used to lose 58 lbs of hated, sticky fat…

This is something that any woman or man can start using immediately…

  • To drop pound after pound…
  • And reset your thyroid and experience more energy, a stabler mood, better sleep, and mental clarity…
  • While taking your metabolism OUT of
    fat-storing mode…
  • To putting it INTO fat-burning mode…

Where day-after-day and night-after-night…

The calories, carbs, sugars, and fats you eat are instantly burned up as energy.

This secret has nothing to do with:

Drugs like Ozempic

Or intermittent fasting

Or following some strict diet

Or even feeling hungry at all.

Instead, Now You’ll Be Able to Eat All the Foods You Love, Guilt Free…

Although you may end up
just naturally eating “less”
those foods…

Because this Metabolism Re-Tuning secret makes your cravings less intense and helps you to feel less hungry throughout the day.

And while I know those are some pretty epic promises…

I feel utterly confident making them…

Because not only did this metabolic
re-tuning secret work wonders for my wife Kelly…

Helping her to melt away 58 lbs of previously persistent fat...

But this same Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret I’m about to share has now been used by more than 83,229 women and men from all walks of life…

Folks Who Had Anywhere
From 11 lbs, to 87 lbs of Excess Fat They Wanted
to Lose…

And who previously felt hopeless, because nothing else they’d ever tried had been able to
move the scale…

Like Susan R. (47) in Denver City:

“I've lost 30 lbs
in just a few months!”

“I've struggled with my weight for years and had tried it all - keto, paleo, and countless fitness programs. Nothing worked, and I started to lose hope. But after reading your page and trying the Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret, I've lost 30 lbs in just a few months! People don't even recognize me anymore, and I've never felt more alive. Thank you, Ben!”

- Susan R. (47), Dever

And Mary Gibson (41) in New York:

“My husband can't keep
his hands off me now”

“I'm a busy mom, and I thought there was no way I'd ever have the time or energy to lose the baby weight. But your video changed everything. In just minutes a day, I saw my body transform and the weight simply melted away. My husband can't keep his hands off me now, and I've never felt more confident!”

- Mary Gibson (41), New York

Now It’s Your Turn to Join
These Incredible Folks…

By beginning your journey towards a fitter, happier you...

So let's get started right now.

Like I mentioned a few moments ago, my name is Ben…

And honestly, I never thought I’d be making a page like this or putting it up on the internet…

Especially since I’m no doctor or dietician or anything like that…

I’m just a normal 46-year-old guy from the Midwest who loves his country, his church, and his family.

And it’s because of that love for my family that I’m here talking to you today…

Because when my wife Kelly’s weight began to spiral out of control a few
years back…

It quickly upended our entire way of life…

Taking the beautiful, caring, and selfless women who I loved…

And turning her into a shell of the women I used to know.

You see, up until her early 30s, Kelly had always been slim and athletic… she could eat whatever she wanted and we’d joke and say she had a “race car metabolism”…

But then, Right After the
Birth of Our Youngest Daughter, Shaina, Everything Changed.

Because while in the past, whenever
Kelly put on a
few pounds…

She’d just start watching what she ate…

Or she’d do some cardio classes at our gym…

And the pounds would come right off…

After the birth of Shaina…
That’s not what happened.

Instead, it was like Kelly’s body was conspiring against her…

And no matter what Kelly tried, she couldn't drop those stubborn pounds accumulating around her belly, butt, hips, arms, and thighs.

With each year that passed, losing weight only became more difficult to shed…

And by the time Kelly turned 40…

It was a near daily occurrence for me to catch her standing in front of the mirror…

Her shirt pulled up above her midsection and a scowl on her face… as she stared critically at her stomach and waist, silently judging herself.

And It Seemed Like Every Time
We Left the House, Kelly Would
End Up Comparing Her Body to
Other Women She Saw…

Muttering these bitter things to herself, like:

“Why can’t I be like them?”
“Why is my body betraying me”

And it just broke my heart to see how much my wife was hurting…

Especially since it’s not like Kelly wasn’t trying.

She’d tried every diet you can think of:





Whole 30

Calorie counting


But Nothing
Seemed to Work.

She'd lose a few pounds,
only to gain them back even faster...

And the guilt Kelly felt every time she cheated on her diet because of her relentless food cravings would only make her feel more defeated, like she was fighting a
losing battle.

"I can't do anything right.
I'm unlovable and unattractive”

She sobbed into my shoulder one night.

And when I laughed and told Kelly that she was being melodramatic, and that she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen…

It’s like she didn’t even hear me… she was so lost in her own sadness.

  • Kelly did Cardio, HIT, jogging, even expensive personal trainers were all a bust too…
  • And the more pounds Kelly gained, the less motivated she was to go to the gym, because she felt like everyone there was judging her…
  • Plus her back and knees began hurting more and more too.

Kelly Even Briefly Considered
Trying Those New “Wonder Drugs”
like Ozempic…

But between the risky side effects

But between the risky side effects

Along with how expensive those drugs are if your insurance won’t cover them…

Along with expensive those drugs are if your insurance won’t cover them…

And the fact that you have to use them forever or the weight just comes
flooding back

And the fact that you have to use them forever or the weight just comes flooding back

Neither Kelly nor I felt convinced that Ozempic was worth it.

So the end result of all this was Kelly feeling stuck, frustrated beyond belief and more depressed with each
passing day…

And then things went from bad to worse…

After a humiliating moment during our family vacation left our whole family defeated and ready to give up.

You See, What Happened Is that We Were on a Cruise Down to Mexico…

And one of the absolute highlights of our whole trip was the Dolphin Swim we’d be doing in
Cancun, Mexico.

Our youngest daughter Shaina just
LOVES dolphins…

And so even though it wasn’t cheap, I’d gone ahead and sprung for the excursion…

Since I knew it would create a once-in-a-lifetime memory for her.

And when the morning of the dolphin swim finally came, our daughter Shaina was just radiating happiness from head-to-toe…

She couldn’t stop talking about her excitement…

And her great mood was contagious…

Because even Kelly seemed unusually happy and excited.

When we got to the interactive aquarium in Cancun where the dolphin swim would be happening though…

Kelly’s Great Mood Quickly
Turned Into Panic…

Because the staff at the aquarium said that SHE would need to go in the water
with Shaina.

We hadn’t expected that… especially since our daughter was eleven years old, and there was a big group of 30 of us from the cruise ship…

But the staff said that it was their policy that a parent be in the water with any child…

And since I’d recently had surgery on my shoulder, they said it would have to be my wife.

Well hearing this, Kelly’s face turned as white as if she’d seen a ghost…

Taking off her cover-up and getting into the water was the LAST thing on earth she wanted to do…

But Kelly sucked it up and said she’d do it for our daughter Shaina.

I was really proud of Kelly for that…

But Then, It Happened:

After introducing the group
in the water to the dolphins…

They started the dolphin swim.

The way it works is that everyone gets in a line, and one-by-one the dolphin swims by and you grab onto its fin…

And then the dolphin is supposed to pull you across the water tank.

To Kelly’s absolute horror, for some reason the trainer in the water insisted that SHE go first out of the whole group.

And as the dolphin swam up and Kelly grabbed its fin…

That’s when all hell broke loose.

Right Away, You Could See
the Dolphin Struggling to Pull Kelly Because of
Her Weight…

Its tail started thrashing from

Suddenly, the dolphin let out this loud,
high-pitched shrieking sound I’ve never heard an animal make before…

And then, to everyone’s terror, the dolphin began to sink beneath the surface…

Which only made the animal start thrashing even more violently.

It all happened in a few quick seconds…

And almost immediately the trainers all started blowing their whistles and shouting things in Spanish..

Then several trainers rushed to Kelly to help. …

While members of our cruise all looked-on, whispering and pointing.

It was BRUTAL…

And what was even worse…

Is that the trainers immediately made everyone get out of the water after…

And then they announced that the dolphin rides would be closed for the rest of the day, and they asked that we all leave immediately.


Her face was beet-red as she ran into the locker rooms to change back into her oversized
beach dress…

And meanwhile, our daughter Shaina was FURIOUS.

She blamed her mother's weight for ruining the one thing she'd been looking forward to most on this trip…

Which of course just made Kelly feel even worse.

After that moment, the rest of the cruise was nothing short of a nightmare.

  • Kelly felt the looks of judgment from the other passengers. She could hear the whispers.
  • She felt embarrassed… and she just locked herself in the cruise ship cabin and refused to come out.
  • And meanwhile, our daughter’s new friends on the ship suddenly didn’t want to hang out with her anymore…
  • One of them even cruelly teased her about her mom being the "Whale who swam with the dolphins"...

I felt helpless.

My wife was broken and defeated…

My daughter was lonely and sad…

It was utter hell…

And yet, the night really is the
darkest right before dawn…

Because what none of us realized…

Was that the very next day…

We’d Receive a
Sign From God…

Something that would lead to a remarkable Metabolism
Re‑Tuning Secret that allowed Kelly to burn away 58 lbs of
belly fat FAST…

Transforming her health and making it virtually impossible for her to put on new pounds no matter what she ate….

And I’m certain this same scientific discovery can work for you too…

Allowing you to feel more confident and more desirable than you have in years…

Allowing you to feel more confident and more desirable than you have in years…

As you can once again slip into any
dress, pants, shirts, blouses and other outfits WITHOUT anxiety… because
you know those clothes will just fit your body perfectly…

As you can once again slip into any dress, pants, shirts, blouses and other outfits WITHOUT anxiety… because you know those clothes will just fit your body perfectly…

And you wake up feeling energized, happy, and excited for the day ahead.

And you wake up feeling energized, happy, and excited for the day ahead.

All of This and More Is Possible With the Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret I’m About
to Share…

So let me keep going here.

What happened is that it was the last night of our cruise…

And I was sitting alone at one of the ship’s endless bars, having a few drinks, and trying to forget about what a disaster our whole vacation had been…

When this absolutely stunning woman came and sat down next to me.

She looked like she was probably in her late 30s, everything about her radiated class and elegance… and she was insanely fit and

Honestly I thought maybe she was a model…

So imagine my surprise when this woman tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if we could talk for a moment.

I didn’t know what to think — and I’m definitely not in the business of chatting with strange women at bars…

But There Was Something About the Way She Asked, And the Look on Her Face That Made Me Say “Sure”...

And as soon as I did, I was surprised to see this look of relief flash across her eyes.

The woman said that she’d been wanting to talk to me and Kelly ever since that disastrous dolphin ride… which she’d been there to witness…

And then she said something that caught me totally off guard:

“I used to be in the same exact position as your wife is now”

She told me…

“Back when I was in my 40s, I was 79 lbs overweight, constantly tired, plagued by mood swings, and utterly miserable.

I thought the best days of my life
were behind me.”

She must have seen the look of disbelief on my face…

Because I simply couldn’t believe that this modelesque-woman had ever been anywhere close to overweight… or that she could possibly be older than her 40s… when she looked like she was at most 37…

So the Woman Took Out
Her Phone and Showed Me a Picture That Left
Me Speechless.

It was undoubtedly a picture of the
same woman I was now talking to…

But she looked at least 15 years older in
the photo…

And sure enough… she was significantly heavier too…

I mean you could just see how her love handles spilled over the side of her blouse…

Her arms were pale and flabby…

She looked nothing like the vibrant woman I saw sitting next to me at this cruise ship bar.

I was dumbfounded…

But then, after what felt like an eternity, I finally regained my voice and I asked her:

“So what changed?”

I was expecting the woman to say plastic surgery, or maybe one of those new
so-called miracle drugs, or something like that…

But the woman told me that what changed everything for her wasn’t...

A drug…

Or a diet...

Or even going
to the gym.

Instead, It Was a Man
Named Alex Del Pizzo* *

A world-famous medical researcher specializing in metabolic health and fat loss…

And she said that she believed in her heart-of-hearts that if Kelly and I reached out
to Alex…

He’d be able to help us too.

Then, the woman handed me a piece of paper with Alex’s contact information on it…

And she urged me to reach out to him as soon as we got back home…

Though she did warn me that Alex was very guarded and usually didn't speak
with strangers…

But that, if I mentioned her when I called, he might be willing to talk.

And with that, she got up and walked away…

Leaving me sitting there in disbelief.

I’d never had an encounter like this before, and when I told Kelly about what had happened, she was more than a little skeptical…

But still, we had nothing to lose…

So the Very Next Day, After
Our Vacation Had Ended, I Picked Up the Phone and Gave Alex a Call.

The good news was that Alex answered right away…

And while at first, he did seem very guarded just like the woman from the cruise ship had said…

When I explained how I’d gotten his information, and told him about everything my wife Kelly was going through…

Alex’s tone immediately changed.

He started talking excitedly, saying he was absolutely confident he’d be able to
help Kelly…

And since his office was only a 2 hour drive
from us…

He suggested that Kelly and I come see him in person that very week, which we did.

Two days later, when we stepped into Alex’s office, I was immediately impressed by the guy…

He Was Extremely Fit Looking and Looked to Be in His Mid-Fifties…

Yet his face was kind and you could see that he had a lot of wisdom in his eyes...

And after a few pleasantries, we grabbed
a seat…

And what Alex shared next would go on to change our lives forever.

Alex told us that when it comes to stubborn belly fat and not being able to lose weight…

It’s no secret that our metabolism controls whether the cells in our body burn or
store fat…

But that, despite this being common knowledge…

Most health experts, and even doctors, are actually pretty clueless when it comes to HOW your metabolism works…

Because while they all talk about you having a “fast” or “slow” metabolism…

The truth is:

The speed of your metabolism is NOT an important factor when it comes to burning fat or losing weight…

And there’s actually something that’s much more important.

Now this might sound surprising to you, and it certainly was for us…

But Alex said that more and more studies were coming out proving this is true:

And that if a fast metabolism was really the key to staying slim…

Then Why Is It That
All of the Animals on Earth with
Ultra Fast Metabolisms Are Chunky
and Overweight?

Like the common shrew,
for example…

This little rodent has one of the highest metabolisms of any mammal on earth…

Yet it's known to store body fat year round…

And Alex said shrews were far from the exception…

Virtually all of the animals with the fastest metabolisms actually store a lot of fat.

“Take hummingbirds as another example,”

Alex told us.

You might think of them as being slender…

But actually, at any given time 40% of a hummingbird’s weight can be body fat.1

Alex said there were a ton of examples of this…


Arctic Foxes

even Mice…

And so if burning fat was as simple as speeding up your metabolism…

Then these animals should have virtually zero body fat…

Yet the exact opposite is true —
they have very high percentages!

“The only thing a fast metabolism is really good for is making sure you age faster, look older, and die younger”

Alex said…

“Which is why virtually all of the animals on earth with fast metabolisms have a lifespan of less than 7 years.

So really, you don’t want a fast metabolism,”

Alex told us with a sparkle in his eyes…

“You Want a Metabolism
That Is In-Tune”...

And because I’m sure you’re wondering what it means for your metabolism to be

Here’s how Alex explained it to us:

He said to imagine an orchestra.

Your body, specifically your metabolism, is like that orchestra.

It is composed of billions of tiny musicians we call cells.

Now, the function of these cell musicians is to work together in harmony.

They take all the food we consume — the fats, calories, carbs, sugars — and turn them into the beautiful symphony of energy we need to get through the day.

However, for some of us,
it might feel like the orchestra
is off-key.

The Musicians Are
Not Playing Together.

This happens when we find it hard to let go
of the fat we carry, or when we put on weight despite being careful with our diets.

What's happening is, the billions of cells in our body orchestra get out of rhythm.

Imagine some of the violinists deciding to play a totally different tune, while the rest are trying to stick to the original.

This is what happens in our bodies.

Some cells continue to play the "burn food" tune, converting our intake into energy...

But a whole lot of other cells have flipped the switch.

They're playing the "store fat" tune...

onto fats...



And sugars…

Storing them as fat and clinging onto the existing fat stores like a child clinging onto his favorite toy.

Alex continued...

“Think of it as a tug-of-war game, but within your body.

“On one side of the rope, you’ve got metabolic cells that want to burn fat…

While on the other side you’ve got metabolic cells that want to store as much fat as possible.

Ideally, you'd want the "burn fat" side to win, right?

But, if your body's all out of tune, it's more like the "store fat" side is bulking up with all the big guys.

This leads to what we call metabolic resistance — a stubborn stalemate.

Where no matter how much you diet, or how many HIIT workouts you do…

You’re just not going to be able to drop any more pounds.”

As Alex Finished Explaining All of This, Kelly and I
Were Stunned…

We had never thought of our
metabolisms in this
light before…

Yet it made so much sense:

If those billions of cells that make up your metabolism aren’t working together…

Then of course you’ll have a hard time burning fat, right?

“So what can we do about
all of this Alex?”

I asked…

And to my surprise…

He said that the answer was actually quite simple…

“We just need to get all the cells in your metabolism in-sync again”

He told us…

“That way your metabolism is once again
in-tune… While burning fat becomes effortless.”

And Alex Said That, Surprisingly, the Secret to Doing All of This…

Comes down to our thyroid…

Because in a major new study from the University of Pennsylvania* * * and the National Institutes of Health* * * in Bethesda, Maryland2

Scientists were able to develop a breakthrough technique that allowed them to observe the metabolism in

And what they found is that throughout
the day…

Your thyroid is constantly releasing hormones that tell the billions of cells in your metabolism to stay in-tune…

So those cells are all working together to burn fat…

But what those scientists also found…

Is that when your thyroid hormone levels drop… it immediately creates chaos and disharmony.

As more and more of your metabolic cells switch over from fat-burning mode to
fat-storing mode…

Until before you know it, this shift happens…

Where instead of burning the foods you eat for energy…

Your body clings to the...




carbs that enter your body.

Holding onto them like a jealous lover…

Which Makes It Nearly Impossible For Your Metabolism to Burn Through Your Existing Stores of Fat Too.

Alex said there were all kinds of reasons for why our thyroid levels get low…

Everything from hidden sugars inside foods we buy at the store…

Everything from hidden sugars inside foods we buy at the store…

To stress

To stress

To poor sleep

To poor sleep

To the chemicals and toxins we find in household cleaning products…

To the chemicals and toxins we find in household cleaning products…

But the culprit behind why this happens doesn’t really matter…

What’s important to understand is that no amount of dieting, calorie counting, or even exercising…

Is going to fix your metabolism and get it back into tune…

Unless you first increase your thyroid levels.

As Alex finished talking, my mind was going a mile-a-minute…

I’d never heard anything like this before…

Yet in a few brief minutes…

Alex had been able to explain the REAL reason why Kelly kept putting on weight no matter what she tried!

Her metabolism was out of tune… with her fat-storing cells turned all the way up…

While Her Fat-Burning Cells
Were Stuck on Mute…

And it was all because of her low thyroid levels.

“So what do we do about
all of this?”

I asked Alex…

And while I thought he would say that we needed to follow a strict diet plan or take a bunch of medications…

To my surprise, Alex said it was much simpler than that...

You see, after analyzing countless studies from top research institutions…

Alex had found a unique combination of natural ingredients with the potential to boost thyroid levels while simultaneously retuning your metabolism.

And, even better…

He told us that he’d already put these ingredients together into an easy-to-use formula that he shared with his private clients!

“You’re going to laugh, but I actually made it into
a gummy candy…”

Alex told us that had already shared the gummies with several of his clients who were experiencing similar struggles to Kelly…

Like, that woman I’d met on the cruise…

And the Results?

They were astonishing!

They were losing 17 lbs… 31 lbs… 44 lbs… sometimes even 83 lbs or more…

I mean just look:

And then, Alex reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small container…

And Kelly and I could see that it was filled with the little gummy candies Alex was talking about.

“I know they look
like candy,”

Alex said...

“But they contain the precise formula that can help Kelly boost thyroid levels, and
re-tune her metabolism”

  • And Alex said that it doesn’t matter how old you are…
  • Or how long you've struggled with weight gain…
  • Or how much stubborn fat you want to lose…

You just need to eat two of these chewable gummies daily…

To rapidly re-tune your metabolism…

And that when Kelly did this…

She’d Be Amazed By How Fast the Pounds Started
to Disappear.

With that, Alex smiled and placed
a bottle of the gummies in Kelly’s hand,
so she could try them
for herself…

And of course she popped one of the gummies into her mouth right away, because she
couldn’t wait.

Kelly said that she loved the taste…

They really were like candy…

And we were surprised to hear that despite tasting so delicious, these gummies were also free of artificial fillers or any cheap ingredients.

It all seemed almost too good to be true…

Yet within just a few short-days of beginning to eat these delicious metabolism
re-tuning gummies each day…

The results Kelly started
seeing were undeniable.

She started feeling more energetic almost immediately…

And sure enough…

We began to notice the stubborn fat around her hips, belly, and thighs beginning to melt away.

One pound at a time...

And then another...

And another...

Before She Knew It, Kelly Had
Lost 8 lbs in Just
Two Weeks!

And that was just
the beginning…

Because only four weeks after Kelly started using the Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret…

She had already shed 15 lbs.

I couldn't believe it!

Kelly's hips were slimming, her belly was flattening, and her thighs were looking more toned than they had in years.

It wasn’t long before Kelly had dropped a shocking 58 lbs…

And not only did she look slimmer and sexier than she had in over a decade…

But It Was Like Everything
About Her Had Changed.

Her confidence went
through the roof…

She was sleeping through the night again for the first time in ages…

She was sleeping through the night again for the first time in ages…

And I swear, every morning she woke up looking just a little bit younger too because her skin was glowing…

And I swear, every morning she woke up looking just a little bit younger too because her skin was glowing…

Kelly was becoming a real life “after photo,” like the ones you normally only see on websites or in magazines.

Kelly was becoming a real life “after photo,” like the ones you normally only see on websites or in magazines.

And she said she wasn’t having mood swings anymore either…

And she said she wasn’t having mood swings anymore either

And that she even noticed how she was thinking more clearly, and that she was
less forgetful

And that she even noticed how she was thinking more clearly, and that she was less forgetful

And it would have been hard to believe any of this…

If I hadn’t been there to witness it with my own two eyes.

My Wife Kelly Was BACK…

And the best part is what happened
six months later…

When we decided to take another cruise…

That way we could celebrate how far Kelly had come in such a short window of time.

The difference was truly night and day…

I swear, Kelly was in a swimsuit the entire vacation…

And she looked HOT…

Her waist was slender, her arms looked toned, her stomach was firm and flat…

I couldn’t keep my eyes off her…

And I couldn’t help but notice the way both men’s and women’s heads turned wherever Kelly went…

It’s like the whole world couldn’t help but notice her.

And the absolute icing on the cake…

Was what happened when we went back to do the dolphin swim again with our daughter Shaina.

As we walked into the swim area, the lead trainer did a double-take and his jaw dropped to the floor…

He was in shock…

And he just kept repeating “Incredible, incredible” again-and-again…

As Kelly curtsied and smiled.

It Was Such an
Amazing Time…

That night, after the swim, our daughter even told Kelly that she was her “hero”...

And I gotta admit that I teared up a little when I heard that…

I was just so proud of my wife.

And yet Kelly is far from an exception or an isolated case.

Women and men all across the country are getting the
same jaw-dropping
weight loss results

And it's all thanks to Alex Del Pizzo and the metabolism re-tuning secret he shared with us...

  • A delicious, chewable gummy with ZERO
    side effects...
  • Something that’s affordable for everyone...
  • And most importantly, it works for everyone…

Because this Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret is backed by solid scientific evidence that I’ll share with you right now.

The First Natural Ingredient You’ll Find Inside This Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret is Something
Called Sensoril…

Which is a trademarked and
highly-concentrated form of the
super-ingredient Ashwagandha.


Sensoril is a powerful adaptogen, which helps your body naturally adapt to stress and restores balance…

In a Double-Blind and placebo controlled study published just a few years back…

Researchers found that adults taking the right dosage of Sensoril daily significantly improved Thyroid Hormone Levels compared to those who were given a placebo (fake pill)3...

That’s not all…

Those findings are backed up by similar major studies from the University
of Pittsburgh* * *

Where a clinical trial found that taking Sensoril for 8 weeks improved thyroid levels in humans4

Along with yet another major study from 2023…

Where researchers found that taking this metabolic re-tuning compound daily increased thyroid hormone levels by between 18.6% and 41.5% within just
8 weeks!

Isn’t that awesome?

As You Now Know, It’s Levels
of Your Thyroid Hormone That Determines Whether Your Metabolism Is
or Not…

And all those studies showed that
this special compound called Sensoril
dramatically boosts
thyroid levels.

So if you’re guessing that maybe it helps with burning fat and losing weight too…

You’re absolutely right…

Because in a breakthrough study done
by a team of 8 scientists from the Division of Endocrinology at
Harvard Medical School* * * 6

They found that the active compounds in Sensoril act as a leptin sensitizer…

Which is a fancy way of saying it’s able to fix the broken signals between leptin and your thyroid…

And when they gave Sensoril to overweight animals in this study…

On average, their body weight dropped by 22.5%!

In addition, in a landmark
double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled trial…

That was published in the prestigious Journal of
Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine* * *

Where a group of 52 people who were struggling with their weight were given a special ashwagandha extract like Sensoril…

The results were truly remarkable.

Not only did those who received Sensoril experience a a significant drop in their
stress levels…

But they also saw major improvements in their average body weight and their body mass index…

Their cravings and hunger levels virtually disappeared as well…

And this happened in as little as
4 weeks!

Can you imagine it?

Just this one special compound dramatically boosts low your
thyroid levels…

  • Putting your metabolism back into tune…
  • Letting you effortlessly burn the fat that’s sticking to your body right now…
  • So that your metabolism STOPS storing new
    fat too.
  • And don’t forget that when your thyroid is producing more hormones like it should…

You’re likely to notice...

More energy...

Better sleep...

mood swings...

mental clarity...

And so many other incredible benefits.

All while feeling less stressed and regaining a sense of control over your life...

Which means that in In just a few weeks from now…

You could start seeing real results and feeling like your old self again...

And Remember, Sensoril Is
Just the FIRST Ingredient in Alex’s
Genius Formulation…

There are a few other really
important ones to share
with you too…

And when you combine these special ingredients together...

It becomes virtually impossible for you not to re-tune your metabolism and transform your body from head to toe.

Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract

Take Coleus forskohlii root extract…

This is the second remarkable compound that can be found inside Alex’s metabolism re-tuning gummies.

Coleus is a plant-based compound that's been used in traditional medicine
for centuries…

And what's remarkable is that it has been scientifically proven to increase thyroid hormone levels and get your metabolism back in tune FAST.

In fact, in one groundbreaking study conducted by the College of Health and Biomedicine at Victoria University* * * in Australia…

When overweight and obese individuals took a special form of Coleus extract for several weeks…

The results were astounding…

They lost an average of 8 lbs…

  • Their body mass index went down...
  • They lost
    4 centimeters from their hips…
  • Their blood pressure numbers improved…
  • And even their heart rates became healthier…

Across the board these folks got skinnier, fitter,
and healthier.

And that's just one example…

But in another fascinating study from Japan's prestigious Asano Institute* * *

Scientists here discovered that participants who took daily doses of Coleus extract experienced significant weight loss, improved BMI, and reduced body fat over a 12-week period…

And they did it WITHOUT losing any lean body mass.9

So in other words, the fat disappeared but their muscles stayed and became more noticeable…

And, just like you’d probably expect…

Groundbreaking Research Has Also Found That Coleus Helps Restore Low Thyroid Levels Too10 11

Which is so important…

Since it’s your thyroid levels that are responsible for keeping your metabolism in tune!

So just imagine the life-changing impact these two metabolism
re-tuning compounds could have on your weight…

Really picture yourself regaining
your confidence

Really picture yourself regaining your confidence

Feeling vibrant and energetic again…

Feeling vibrant and energetic again…

And leaving all your worries about your appearance behind…

...and leaving all your worries about your appearance behind…

That’s EXACTLY what this metabolism re-tuning secret that Alex gave to
us does.


And Alex’s groundbreaking formula also contains a very intentional dosage amount of L-Tyrosine.

L-Tyrosine is a crucial amino acid that’s essential in the production of thyroid hormones…

Which is probably why…

In a large study conducted at McGill University* * *, one of Canada's leading research institutions…

L-Tyrosine was found to support weight loss by limiting weight gain, decreasing fat accumulation, and enhancing resting metabolism. 12

And why scientists at the University College* * * in London, University of Washington School of Medicine* * *, and the University of New England School
of Medicine* * *13 14 15

Have all conducted studies proving that L‑Tyrosine supplementation is directly linked to healthy thyroid levels and a fat‑burning metabolism too!

So Far I’ve Told You About Sensoril,
and L-Tyrosine…

But you should know that Alex’s metabolism
re-tuning formula also contains a special type of
Aged Guggul
Resin Extract…

Guggul Resin Extract

Which is really exciting…

Because, while you may not have heard of Guggul before…

It’s a powerful and ancient extract that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine...

And now, cutting-edge research is backing up its incredible weight loss power.

In one large-scale study published just a few years back…

Researchers found that when adult patients took a special form of aged Guggul (and not the fresh type, which is what’s normally found in supplements)...

    They experience 7.69% decrease in body weight...

    And a 7.82% decrease in BMI16

And in a clinical trial published in the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine...

Scientists discovered that after just
30 days...

  • Adults who took this Guggul Resin Extract daily lost nearly 5 lbs more than those who didn't17...

And that’s not even mentioning the numerous studies that show Guggul's direct impact on thyroid levels and metabolism!18 19 20

And then finally…

In Addition to Each of the
Special Compounds I’ve Just Shared
With You…

You should know that Alex’s metabolism
re-tuning formula also has a very potent blend of Vitamin B12, Zinc, and Selenium…

Which are three essential nutrients that have the ability to support thyroid health
and metabolism...

Working together like a super-team to boost your energy levels, melt away your brain fog, and help you re-tune your metabolism.

So the bottom line is this:

Every single ingredient Alex included in his special formula is backed by a TON of world-class science…

And, just as importantly…

It really does work.

Just eating two of these delicious gummies every day helped my wife Kelly to regain control of her life!

Her body transformed…

Her cravings disappeared…

Her energy skyrocketed…

She was so amazed by this completely natural solution, free from harmful chemicals or side effects…

She loved how this didn't require starving herself or spending hours at the gym

  • And Kelly went from struggling with her weight…
  • Feeling like she was trapped in her own body…
  • And constantly worrying about being judged by others…

To looking and feeling like a brand new woman in just a few short months.

And having witnessed this Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret’s effectiveness

We Knew We Had to Get
Alex's Formula Into as Many
Hands as Possible.

So we picked up the phone and
called Alex...

“Alex, we've seen the
life-changing power of
your formula,”

We told him.

“Kelly’s lost a significant amount of weight and she's happier than ever.

We believe everyone deserves to feel this way. How can we make this available to everyone?”

We Were a Bit Nervous About
What Alex
Would Say…

But to our immense relief, he sounded very
excited when we
suggested this…

Because while he’d never thought of offering his formula outside his circle of clients, in his heart he knew it was time…

So together, Alex and Kelly set out to find the best manufacturing company that could help us make these metabolism re-tuning gummies for all the people who needed them most.

We knew we needed to find a partner who would respect the strict requirements and would handle the ingredients with care before they were mixed.

And we also began reaching out to people in online forums who had shared their personal struggles with weight loss…

And we included all types of issues from...

weight gain...

To thyroid issues...

And even
emotional eating...

Our goal was simply to find volunteers to try out our discovery.

And the Response
Was Overwhelming.

People were eager to try out these metabolism
re-tuning gummies, and their results were astounding.

Lisa White (58) from Colorado shared:

“I've struggled with my weight for
as long as I
can remember…”

“I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, and nothing seemed to work. I'd tried every diet and exercise plan out there but always ended up back where I started.

Then I discovered these gummies, and everything changed. I've not only lost the stubborn weight but also gained a newfound confidence in myself. Thank you!”

- Lisa White (58), Colorado

54 year old Jason Miller told us…

“I've lost 25 pounds and
feel incredible.”

“I was skeptical at first, but after using this formula for a few months, I've lost 25 pounds and feel incredible. My energy levels are through the roof, and my cravings for junk food have vanished. This has truly been a game-changer
for me.”

- Jason Miller (54), California

And finally, Karen Williams from Alabama was delighted to share this with us:

“These gummies have
been a godsend.”

“Since having my last child, I've had such a hard time losing the baby weight. I felt like I had tried everything, and nothing worked. These gummies have been a godsend. My body has transformed, and I feel like 'me' again.”

- Karen W. (48), Alabama

We were thrilled to hear these success stories…

And now, we’re so excited to give you the opportunity to join folks across the world…

By giving you the chance to try out this metabolism re-tuning secret for yourself.

We call it

ThyroBurn 7

The metabolism re-tuning secret for people struggling with weight loss, thyroid issues, and lack
of energy.

This delicious gummy formula is designed to quickly and easily help you shed pounds and regain control over your metabolism…

And from the moment you start using
ThyroBurn 7TM...

Enjoying just two tasty gummies each day, you'll begin to feel the transformation taking place.

In Just a Matter of Days, You'll
Start to See a Subtle But Clear Difference in
Your Body.

You'll notice that the unwanted fat and weight that have been clinging to you will start to melt away

You'll notice that the unwanted fat and weight that have been clinging to you will start to melt away

You’ll begin to feel more energized
and confident.

You’ll begin to feel more energized and confident.

The fatigue, mood swings, and food cravings that once controlled your life will become less frequent and intense

The fatigue, mood swings, and food cravings that once controlled your life will become less frequent and intense

Many women, like Kelly, even admit taking these gummies is what finally allowed them to feel attractive and desirable to their partner again…

And Using ThyroBurn 7TM
Couldn’t Be Simpler:

Just enjoy two delicious gummies per day.

That's all you need to jumpstart your metabolism and start shedding those
stubborn pounds.

You should know that we use only the purest ingredients in
ThyroBurn 7™…

And every ingredient is
tested and certified for purity to
ensure the highest quality.

This means ThyroBurn 7™ doesn’t contain toxins like poisons or harmful chemicals...

It's made with care and attention to detail in a state-of-the-art facility that follows all the rules set by the FDA and adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

And ThyroBurn 7™ is also proudly manufactured in the USA!

Truthfully, it's no surprise that since we released it to the public, it's been hard to keep in stock.

In only a few months, we've sold over 83,221 bottles, and that number is climbing every day…

People all over the USA, who've been struggling with weight loss finally have a safe and powerful solution that works.

And they're telling their friends and family too.

But, With Such High Demand, It's Only a Matter of Time Before We
Run Out.

And, since our premium
natural ingredients come
from remote areas and are carefully sourced…

Restocking can take us a long time, usually up to three or more months.

That’s why it's crucial that you place your order for as much ThyroBurn 7™ as possible right now.

The last thing we want is for you to interrupt your weight loss journey before your body is fully transformed.

In fact, from what we’ve seen and what our customers tell us…

The best results are seen when someone uses ThyroBurn 7™ for at least 180 days.

That’s the time it takes to not only shed those stubborn pounds for good…

But it also gives you the best chance of maintaining a fit, healthy body for years
to come.

Don't let your weight struggles win…

Make sure to secure your supply today and say goodbye to the frustration and embarrassment of carrying around extra weight.

We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that ThyroBurn 7™ is affordable to every American who needs it.

After handpicking the best ingredients, negotiating production, and keeping
costs low…

I'm proud to offer you this
game-changing formula at the
lowest possible price.

You’ll never again have to spend your hard‑earned money on ineffective diets or workout routines…

And you can say goodbye to feeling sluggish, unattractive, and undesired.

You should also know that…

ThyroBurn 7TM Is Only Available on This Website at This Special Price and Only While Supplies Last.

Know that you are getting the real deal.

ThyroBurn 7™ can help you burn fat both today, and in the years to come.

Allowing you to experience the life-changing impact of having a fit, energized, and confident body.

You'll say goodbye to the relentless weight gain, fatigue, and food cravings that have plagued your life.

You'll say goodbye to the relentless weight gain, fatigue, and food cravings that have plagued your life.

And you'll revel in the freedom of enjoying your favorite activities and social gatherings without fear or shame.

And you'll revel in the freedom of enjoying your favorite activities and social gatherings without fear or shame.

Just imagine waking up each morning, feeling energized and stepping on the scale, seeing those numbers drop day by day...

Just imagine waking up each morning, feeling energized and stepping on the scale, seeing those numbers drop day by day...

Picture the amazed looks and compliments from friends and family, as they notice your incredible weight loss journey.

Picture the amazed looks and compliments from friends and family, as they notice your incredible weight loss journey.

You'll finally feel at peace, knowing you've taken control of your health and embraced the best version of yourself...

You'll finally feel at peace, knowing you've taken control of your health and embraced the best version of yourself...

Someone who radiates confidence and joy with every step you take.

Someone who radiates confidence and joy with every step you take.

No more hiding your body or feeling
in social situations.

No more hiding your body or feeling self-conscious in social situations.

You'll wear your favorite clothes, dance, and enjoy nights out with absolute confidence, as your newly toned body becomes a symbol of your determination.

You'll wear your favorite clothes, dance, and enjoy nights out with absolute confidence, as your newly toned body becomes a symbol of your determination.

And you'll experience the relief of overcoming food cravings and the struggles that have been holding you back.

And you'll experience the relief of overcoming food cravings and the struggles that have been holding you back.

What’s So Special About ThyroBurn 7TM Is That the Ingredients Inside Work Synergistically to Promote Optimal Weight Loss.

By enjoying just two
gummies a day…

So I want you to go ahead and secure your supply of Metabolism Re‑Tuning
Secret gummies today and take the first step towards a future with a leaner, healthier body.

And when you invest in the Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret today…

You'll spend less than you would on gym memberships, personal trainers, or complicated diets.

And unlike any of those approaches…

This Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret is what we believe to be the only real chance of losing weight, re-tuning your metabolism, and optimizing your thyroid hormones and leptin.

Plus, when you consider the fact that our delicious gummies are made with the purest and most potent ingredients sourced from reliable suppliers, today’s special low price is a true bargain.

This is not about the money. It’s about improving health, not only for my wife Kelly but for everyone tormented by:

Weight issues


And the
constant worry about your appearance.

That's why we have negotiated hard to bring you this solution for the lowest amount possible… That’s right…

For our most discounted package,
you will spend less than $1.10 a day to maintain excellent health for good.

But this special discounted package is only available today…

On this webpage, and only while supplies last.

It’s the deepest discount we’ve ever offered…

And we’re only doing it because we know what a difference this will make in your life.

For Six Bottles of
ThyroBurn 7TM, You Will Only Need to Invest
$33 Per Bottle.

And this is the right quantity to finally support your weight loss journey and prevent future struggles.

But that's not all…

Because when you order the discounted 3‑month or 6‑month package…

You'll also receive free US shipping, an additional savings of $9.95.































And if you make your package selection right now, you risk absolutely nothing.

Because we want you to be confident that our Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret is right for you…

We Offer Every Single Person a
Money-Back Guarantee.

That means you have 365 days, a full year, to "test drive" our weight loss solution
for yourself…

365 Days
Money Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give ThyroBurn 7™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with
ThyroBurn 7™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

I'm convinced you'll be thrilled with your results.

But if for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your order...

Simply contact our friendly support staff, send back all the bottles even if they're empty, and they'll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

That Is How Confident We Are
That Our Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret Can Change Your Life.

Just like it did for these happy customers
using this formula…

“Oh My Goodness. I wish I
had found this sooner.”

“I started sleeping better, waking up feeling rested, and that alone can fix so many health issues. I was also feeling more energetic throughout the day, not even feeling an afternoon slump or desire to nap. And to top it off, I didn't change my diet (I already eat a "healthy" diet, I know that's subjective, but most different dietary points of view these days agree on eating lots of vegetables, fish, and plant proteins and fats) and suddenly started steadily losing weight.

I lost 10 pounds without changing anything. AND I even started fitting comfortably into clothes that used to be
too tight.”

- Elizabeth H. (62), Madison, Wisconsin

“Two words — delicious

“These gummies are the best I've tried. I feel less stressed. I feel lighter. They have given me energy throughout the day and they TASTE GOOD! This product is a 100/10. By far, the best vitamin I currently take. No complaints whatsoever!”

- Robert Slater (70), Nevada

“Men this can work
for you too!”

“I started to take this because it had worked for my wife. I felt changes in my body within about a week. My mood changed for the better in a couple of weeks.

When that bottle was finished, I weighed myself and I’d lost 10 pounds! I have since ordered another two bottles and plan to make this supplement a part of my routine. I have also added exercise back to my daily routine and I feel like this product is a definite winner.”

- Rick Sullivan (55), Oklahoma

“Losing Weight!”

“I have been using this for two months. I am a believer! In those two months, I have lost 7 pounds! Eating normal foods with my family just smaller portions. I feel like these gummies give me that extra something that makes everyday weight loss possible for me.”

- Heather Morrison (52), South Carolina

To put it simply...

If, For Any Reason, You're Not Thrilled With Our Product — You
Pay Nothing.

That's just how we believe business should be done…

Either you love our product, or you don't pay a dime.

What could be easier than that?

And with our 365-Day No Hassle
Money-Back Guarantee…

Why not take advantage of our
6-month highly discounted package? It truly is the wisest choice.

I mean, you're protected either way...

If you love ThyroBurn 7™, you're locked into our lowest rate of just $33 per bottle, saving more than anyone else...

And if it doesn't work for you…

Then you simply ask for a refund and lose nothing.

No matter what happens,
you truly have nothing to lose…

And Everything to Gain By Choosing Our
6-Month Package Today.































Now, Let's Envision What Your Life Will Be Like Once You Start Using
the Metabolism
Re-Tuning Secret.

Imagine yourself waking up in the morning feeling lighter, more energetic and confident about your body.

Imagine yourself waking up in the morning feeling lighter, more energetic and confident about your body.

You'll enjoy the freedom of wearing your favorite clothes, feeling attractive and comfortable in your own skin.

You'll enjoy the freedom of wearing your favorite clothes, feeling attractive and comfortable in your own skin.

As you continue using this breakthrough formula, you'll notice a significant improvement in not just your appearance, but really your entire body too.

As you continue using this breakthrough formula, you'll notice a significant improvement in not just your appearance, but really your entire body too.

Your energy levels will rise, and you'll
feel more focused and in control
your cravings.

Your energy levels will rise, and you'll feel more focused and in control of your cravings.

No more worrying about constant weight gain or feeling unattractive.

No more worrying about constant weight gain or feeling unattractive.

You can finally enjoy social events and gatherings without the fear of being judged for your weight.

You can finally enjoy social events and gatherings without the fear of being judged for your weight.

And as a bonus, you'll save money on expensive diets and workout programs that never seem to stick.

And as a bonus, you'll save money on expensive diets and workout programs that never seem to stick.

When you consider the potential impact of the Metabolism Re-Tuning Secret on
your life…

Choosing our 6-month package is an easy decision.

And it gets even better because
I have another surprise for you…

I’m Also Throwing in
3 Extra Gifts!

Bonus #1

Thyroburn Secrets: 10 Surprising Household
Items Impacting Thyroid Health
($39 Value)

As you know, your thyroid is a small gland, but it plays a significant role in your overall health and well‑being.

What most people don't know is that everyday household items could be silently sabotaging your
thyroid function…

  • In this guide, you will discover the surprising items and habits that could be affecting your thyroid health without you even realizing it.
  • Plus, get actionable advice on how to counteract these effects and maintain optimal thyroid function.

Usually, this guide is priced at $39…

But for today, it's yours FREE, when you order 3 or 6 bottles
of ThyroBurn 7™.

Bonus #2

DIY Thyroid Checks: How to Spot Early Signs of Thyroid Problems and Safeguard Your Well-Being!
($39 Value)

Not everyone has the time or resources to get frequent thyroid check-ups.

But that doesn't mean you should be left in the dark about your
thyroid health.

  • In this enlightening guide, learn how to keep an eye on early signs of thyroid issues and the DIY checks you can do at the comfort of your home.
  • Ensuring early detection can lead to timely intervention, helping you safeguard your well-being.

Like the previous gift, this guide typically goes for $39…

But grab it for FREE today when you order 3 or 6 bottles
of ThyroBurn 7™.

Bonus #3

Beat Thyroid Fatigue: Effective Strategies to
Boost Your Energy and Vitality
($49 Value)

Fatigue is a common complaint among those with thyroid issues.

But with the right strategies, you can reclaim your energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • In this guide, dive deep into the proven methods to combat thyroid-related fatigue, ensuring you feel refreshed and revitalized every day.

A treasure trove of information, this guide is priced at $49 under normal circumstances…

But just like the other free gifts, it’s yours at no cost when you opt for 3 or 6 bottles of ThyroBurn 7™.

In summary...

By selecting the multi-bottles packages of ThyroBurn 7™ today…

You're not only getting a substantial discount of more than 67% off its original price, saving you a whopping $396

But You're Also Pocketing an
Additional $127 Worth of Invaluable
Thyroid Health Guides for FREE!

However, remember, there's absolutely
no obligation to claim these free gifts.

They're simply a token of appreciation for those committed to thyroid health by choosing the
3 or 6 bottles packages of ThyroBurn 7™.

Matching your dedication to thyroid health is my primary goal, so truly, there's nothing for you to lose.

But remember, our discounted packages and free US shipping offers are limited.

When our current stock runs out…

It could take months for us to produce a new batch.

So don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform your life.

Choose the 6-Bottle or Any Other Package That Suits Your Needs.

To get started, simply click the button below to select the package that makes sense
for you.

You'll then be taken to our secure order page, where you can fill out your shipping and payment information.

Rest assured, we use professional-grade,
256-bit encryption technology,
just like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, to ensure your information is safe with us.

Once you hit "Enter," you'll land on our confirmation page, which will carefully explain exactly what to expect with your order.

But I must warn you:
sometimes, we experience temporary
"out of stocks."

We do our best to avoid this, but the reality is that ThyroBurn 7™ is in high demand…

And it can be challenging to keep up with large orders all at once.

However, if you're reading this message right now and don't see an "Out of stock" icon anywhere, then we still have ThyroBurn 7™ gummies left in stock.

I wanted to mention that, because I can't say for sure when we might run out of stock next.

And I don't want you to be in that unfortunate situation where you fall in love with
ThyroBurn 7™ only to find that it's completely sold out when you need it most.

So take advantage of our 6-month package or any other package right now, and rest easy knowing that you've made a smart investment in your weight loss journey and overall

And don’t forget…

You’re Also Getting
3 Free Gifts Worth $127.

Here they are again:

  • Thyroburn Secrets: 10 Surprising Household Items Impacting Thyroid Health
  • DIY Thyroid Checks: How to Spot Early Signs of Thyroid Problems and Safeguard Your
  • Beat Thyroid Fatigue: Effective Strategies to Boost Your Energy and Vitality

All three are yours to keep, when you get the multi-bottle packages of ThyroBurn 7™.































The Power to Transform Your Life and Enjoy the Benefits of a Healthy, Confident Body Is Just a Click Away.

Don't let fear or doubt
hold you back.

With our 365-day unconditional
money-back guarantee,
you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So go ahead, choose your package, and start your journey to a healthier, happier life free from the burden of stubborn fat, low energy, and constant self-judgment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this page, and I wish you all the health and happiness in the world.

Ben Dillard

Researcher for Simple Promise™































Hey, are you still here?

You probably have some questions about everything you just learned, and I totally get that…

So let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions people ask about
ThyroBurn 7™ right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

ThyroBurn 7™ is for any woman or man who wants to safely and effectively burn fat, experience more energy, and get back to feeling like their true self.

It has also become very popular with women who deal with thyroid issues or struggle with cravings, which makes sense since the ingredients help address the culprits behind both those issues too.

The bottom line though is that it doesn’t matter if you’ve just got a few pounds to lose, or you’ve got 87 lbs to lose, ThyroBurn 7™ can work
for you.

It works extremely well.

Personally, I was shocked when I saw the transformation in my wife Kelly.

But I did worry that maybe she was a special case, or that we’d
gotten lucky.

Then, with Alex Del Pizzo’s help we began sharing ThyroBurn 7™ with
tens-of-thousands of Americans, and the results have been nothing short of stunning.

Women and men of all ages, all weights, all walks of life are dropping pounds and becoming slim with ThyroBurn 7™.

  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve got good genes or terrible genes...
  • It doesn’t matter if you're vegan or carnivore...
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re a fitness freak or you haven’t worked out in two decades…

ThyroBurn 7™ can transform your body and change your life.

Many of our customers notice differences in as little as a few days of starting to use ThyroBurn 7™.

  • For some, they’ll see that they’ve already dropped a few pounds.
  • For others, the first thing they notice is how they’re sleeping better and have more energy.
  • For others still, they say they experience less brain fog.

Each body is different, but here’s what stays the same:

These people notice positive changes fast, and they say that the longer they use ThyroBurn 7™, the more dramatic their results are.

That’s why we recommend getting at least 3 bottles of ThyroBurn 7™ if we have it in stock, and 6 bottles if you’ve got more than 27 lbs of fat that you’d like to lose.

This metabolism re-tuning formula has several special compounds and ingredients that are scientifically proven to help re-tune your metabolism, improve leptin resistance, and restart your thyroid.

  • This includes Sensoril, a potent and concentrated extract made from the super-herb ashwaghanda…
  • Coleus — a powerful leptin supporting and fat-burning extract…
  • L-Tyrosine — an essential amino acid your thyroid craves…
  • Aged Guggul Resin Extract — used for thousands of years as a sacred healing plant, Guggul helps your metabolism to effectively burn fat…
  • And a special blend of metabolism supporting nutrients like Vitamin B12, Zinc, and Selenium.

It couldn’t be easier, just eat two delicious gummies per day.

You’ll love the taste too.

You’ll be shocked at how easy it is to burn fat.

My suggestion is to check in on your weight every few days, and to remember that sometimes your weight loss really will start to accelerate in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th week, so keep an eye on things.

That being said though, one of the best parts about ThyroBurn 7™ is that it is adaptogenic.

This means that it adapts to your body and your metabolism - and once you’ve lost a healthy amount of weight, you can keep taking ThyroBurn 7™ and your metabolism, thyroid, and hormones will simply stay in balance.

Of course, if you do find that you’re still losing weight after you’ve
reached your goal, you can always stop taking ThyroBurn 7™ or consult with a physician.

I’ll be honest, it’s pretty unlikely that ThyroBurn 7™ won’t work for you.

That’s because virtually all of us who have weight to lose could use a boost to our metabolism, thyroid, and leptin levels.

And we’ve seen
ThyroBurn 7™ work
again-and-again in over 83,000 people at this point too!

That being said though, if for some reason your body doesn’t respond to ThyroBurn 7™ like it does for most people and you aren’t losing as much weight as you’d hoped, you can simply call or email our customer service team and we’ll issue a full refund.

You’ve got 365 days to try out ThyroBurn 7™ risk free, so if you change your mind about your purchase today, you just reach out to us and we’ll give you back every single penny that you’ve paid.

That part’s easy!

Just click below to choose the package of
ThyroBurn 7™ that’s right
for you!

Most people go with the
6 bottle option because they want the biggest saving, and because they don’t want to re-tune their metabolism and transform their body only to stop using
ThyroBurn 7™ and backtrack.

But no matter how much
ThyroBurn 7™ you decide on, the next step is clicking below and getting started!































These Are the Most Common FAQs We Receive About ThyroBurn 7TM.

So hopefully we've addressed all of your questions too.

But if you're still wondering if it's the right fit for you...

The only way to know now is to secure your preferred package by clicking on one of the three buttons and finishing your secure order

Which I’d strongly encourage you to do right now.

I mean…

Isn't it better to find out now than to
spend your life pondering
"what if?"

Your body and your health are your
greatest treasures… and let's be real.

Life is fleeting.

There are few things in this price range that can do so much for your well-being… and I don’t know of anything that’s more effective at burning fat at any price range really.

Right Now Is Your Opportunity to Claim the Life You’ve Always Wanted.

Start using ThyroBurn 7TM right away and before long…

You may notice your jeans fitting
a bit looser

You may notice your jeans fitting a bit looser

Or that your energy levels are a lot higher

Or that your energy levels are a lot higher

Or that your stomach looks flatter and tighter than since you were a teenager.

Or that your stomach looks flatter and tighter than since you were a teenager.

Your confidence will skyrocket

Your confidence will skyrocket

And with each passing day, you’ll only grow happier and happier

And with each passing day, you’ll only grow happier and happier

You’ll get to experience it:

Your Moment of Transformation…

That day in the very near future when you look in the mirror and see a transformation in your physique that’s impossible to ignore.

It WILL happen.

The moment when you realize that you’re in control of your weight — and it does NOT control you anymore…

When you’re no longer battling a hidden enemy that has been keeping you from experiencing the joy and freedom you deserve.

The moment when you know you can look how you want… when you want.

  • And not have to worry about stubborn fat.
  • And not have to worry about the terrifying specter of poor health or sickness looming over your head in the years and decades to come…

So you can be there for the people who matter the most in your life:

Your children…

Your spouse…

Your friends.

When The “Moment of
Transformation” Arrives…

It will be a day you’ll
never forget.

This is what I want for you.

I want you to have your “Moment of Transformation” as soon as possible.

Which is why you should go ahead and choose your package of ThyroBurn 7™ right now by clicking below.

Claim your bottles of ThyroBurn 7™ now, while this limited-time offer is available and while we still have inventory... and decide within the next 365 days if it’s for you.

If it’s not… you’ll receive a fast and full refund.

But the Odds Are,
Going to Cherish
Your Experience
With ThyroBurn 7TM.

So, don’t hesitate…

Choose the quantity of bottles you’d like…

  • Whether it’s the 6-bottle option…
  • The 3-bottle option…
  • Or whichever option is best for you…

Just click on one of those packages below right now.

I wish you the best and eagerly await to hear about your transformation…

Or, if you really do still have more questions about ThyroBurn 7™…

You can also reach out to our customer support team.

The toll-free number is 1-800-856-5587, and we’re available 24/7.

Really. And don't worry.

You won’t be speaking to a machine…

We have real, live humans answering calls to assist you.

So, if you’re ready to start transforming your body…

Make the Leap by Choosing From One of the Packages Below and Taking Action
Right Now.

You have nothing at stake… nothing to lose…

And a more active, confident life waiting for you.

Remember, we have a very limited supply of this formula.

When it’s gone, it’s uncertain when we will have more.

So, seize this opportunity to get up to 67% off.


















































